Friday, August 31, 2012

Cornell Notetaking Method Custom PDF Generator

Cornell Notetaking Method Custom PDF Generator

Just found this while surfing.  Will use this in my 21st Century Literacy Classes and share with my colleagues.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I have been working on this Snipping assignment for about two hours now.  I know it's not due until the 6th but I know if I don't start it early, I'll be in a panic to figure it out.

It takes me quite a while to figure this kind of stuff out between my lack of knowledge and making sure my kids are taken care of.  But by the time I get it, it's totally worth it and I am proud of myself for taking on the challenge of something that intimidates me.  I guess that's what self-directed learning is; figuring it out for yourself.

I do think you learn things better and retain things longer if you figure it out on your own.

With the Mac, I had to search far and wide inside this machine to find the equivalent of the Snipping tool.  I found Grab, which led me to Capture. works!!!  If we hadn't had this assignment, I'd never have known about this cool feature.  Now, when I make a presentation to my reading specialist colleagues or need to send an email relating to a particular site, I can use this.  I'm psyched!!

I am showing a website that I absolutely love.  I use it in my classroom and refer many parents to this site.  It's called  It's a comprehensive look at all things relating to executive function skills and study and test-taking strategies.

The first thing I do with this site during the year is have my students take a learning styles inventory.  On the site, the students answer 32 questions.  The results include, not only their particular learning style or styles, but strategies to match that style that they can use in their content area courses!

Take a look!!!
Click on the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire to take the survey.

3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work
processes representative of an innovative professional
in a global and digital society

b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents,
and community members using digital tools
and resources to support student success
and innovation
c. Communicate relevant information and ideas
effectively to students, parents, and peers using
a variety of digital age media and formats
d. Model and facilitate effective use of current and
emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate,
and use information resources to support research
and learning.

#3 in the ISTE Nets T Standards; a, b, c and d illustrate the purpose of this assignment.  In this day and age in the field of education, collaboration and communication with colleagues is crucial to effective lesson planning and implementation.

Our county high school reading specialist meetings revolve around the sharing of information and ideas.  Each of the 14 of us have such varied roles in our schools that it's important to talk about what we are doing as individuals and to brainstorm ideas to troubleshoot difficulties.  


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Google Docs

I try to keep my resume up-to-date with new things I do and new goals I achieve each year.  I seem to add to duties to my job description regularly.

Uploading my current resume from a Word doc to Google docs was a lot easier than I thought.  All of the things I was supposed to click did what they were supposed to and the conversion was pretty smooth in that I didn't have to make too many changes.  That is pretty unusual for me because most technology that I attempt doesn't work well for me.  I was pretty happy at how it worked out.

What I am discovering is that it's okay to click around and experiment.  I rely heavily on the 'undo' button.  :)  Because that it there, I am less fearful of sending my work into the Ionosphere.

The uploading of my current Word doc resume to Google docs and sharing it relates to two of the ISTE Nets T standards in that I am able to take the old technology of a simple Word document and still make use of that information by making it current and relevant using today's technology.

Model Digital Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work
processes representative of an innovative professional
in a global and digital society.
a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the
transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations.

b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents,
and community members using digital tools
and resources to support student success and innovation.  

The advantages of cloud computing with Google docs provides a larger storage area and gives many access to my information at the touch of a few buttons; however, I think that could be a negative as well.  I am a bit uncomfortable with this whole cloud being out there giving anyone access to my information.  Perhaps once I learn more about it and become more knowledgeable, I won't be as fearful.  


I'm looking forward to learning more about technology as my own 9-year-old knows more than me.  He's talking about building a server and I have no idea what he means.

I know, as a parent, I need to keep up with him to make sure he stays safe on the internet and to make sure that the FBI doesn't come knocking at my door because he's figured out how to hack into some secure place.  LOL!!!

I am a high school Reading Specialist and LOVE what I do!  I'd love to know how to make my Powerpoint presentations more interactive.  Any time I've been in a presentation with Ppts, I've always thought they were kind of boring, so mine probably are too.

I push into many different content courses to teach kids how to study and take tests, about the use of context clues and critical reading, and to do book talks, and for many other lessons.  I use Ppt to make my lessons a bit more colorful and reference some great websites like:  and

I also reference many useful videos from Youtube to introduce or reinforce a topic.  I am not too comfortable inserting them in my Ppt so I have to open a new window to click on when I am presenting.  It's a pain.

I like the blog feature for the interaction of this class, but I'm not so sure I'd use it for my job.  I think it could invite trouble when students can post anything they want.  I don't want to have to carry that responsibility and I don't have time to monitor it.

That's me and I'm happy to be learning more about the technology that scares yet intrigues me.