Monday, September 17, 2012

Jing Image--Holy Cow!!! finally!!!

Well this has been an ordeal and without the help of my husband, I'd still be scratching my head and gnashing my teeth.  I had to go to using his HP laptop to install Jing.  My Mac wouldn't support it.

But here it is and I think it's pretty cool.  As you can see, I'm pretty psyched about because I use it so much.  I chose one of the interactive features that allows a student to get an idea of how they spend their time in a 24-hour period.

I think that efficient time management is an important skill for everyone.  Just like counting calories, time management is a tricky thing unless it is brought to the forefront of our attention.

Take a look at my Jing and see if you agree.

Time Management Graphic

The very cool thing about Jing is that the image is saved right on my computer in the history!!  I just hover over the sun and click 'history'.  Cool!!!


Sharing the image was easy with screencast. 

I think this assignment pertains greatly to #2 in the iste.nets.t standards, especially for me.  I am definitely not tech-savvy.  This has helped me to troubleshoot and go way beyond my comfort level to explore and learn this new technology.  It's not new to most, but to me, it's an incredibly new discovery.  This lesson helped me to a) design and adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources. 

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