Sunday, September 2, 2012

Revisit Resume

Wow!  I was kind of shocked that my resume that landed me my current job got such a crummy score the first time around.  I used a resume book as a reference to put it together when I got hired three years ago as a reading specialist.  I have since included my current responsibilities.  All things listed relate to what I do and I purposely included responsibilities and duties that lend to a teaching profession.

I think this resume review site is pretty cool; however, the site does seem to focus on the frequency of certain words throughout the resume.  I noticed how the job suggestions listed some sort of software specialist for me.  I think the site just noticed my current job as a reading specialist and focused on that.  

I had not listed references on my resume; however, I had listed REFERENCES "Available upon request" on it.  One of the suggestions was to remove my references from the resume.  My score went from a C+ to a B- once I removed those words.

I am pretty old(as it said in the corrections LOL!) and have had few jobs with many responsibilities.  It's difficult to keep it short when the jobs you have held include responsibilities you feel relevant to the job you are seeking.  

This site is a great way to get general feedback about your resume.  It is probably a good idea to check several references and have someone proof your resume before it goes public.  :)

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