Sunday, September 2, 2012

Picasso Head

This was awesome!!  I'm thinking about using this twice in my own classroom.

The first time, I will use this with my students will be next week and it will be interesting to find out why students chose the characteristics they selected.

We will repeat this exercise at the end of the school year and look at how they now see themselves.  Comparing the two images could give a little insight as to how they feel they have progressed in their reading skills and in their self confidence.

When high school age kids enter a reading class, they almost always lack confidence in themselves and in their abilities.  I'm hoping they will feel better at the end of year.

In my image, I chose to be winking one eye because this represents the fun I have in my classroom.  I enjoy my job and I hope that comes across to my students.  They need to understand that reading is fun and useful.

I chose the hair because it's about the same length as what I have now.  I hope to have all four of the hairs on my head to someday be long and luxurious.

I played with making the face small and huge.  That was funny!  I lost a teeny bit of weight over the summer, but will soon be back up to my 'regulation teaching weight' shortly.  That's why it was fun to experiment with the chin.  LOL!!!   It seems, in a school, there is always food around somewhere.

Click here to create your very own special self-portrait!    Picassohead

Click here to see the gallery of Picassoheads and to see where mine is.
Tonya's Picasso

What a great way for my students to use technology and show me how they see themselves!!!

This activity encompasses portions of iste.nets t Standard #2 
-Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments.
a) Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.  
c) Customize and personalize learning activities to address students' diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.  

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