Sunday, October 28, 2012

Exel Data for Comparing Nationwide Mean Scores to Virginia Mean Scores

This was an ordeal!  I operate on this old Mac and have to do a whole lot of figuring.  I initially tried this assignment on the Mac and it was an exercise in futility.  I ended up borrowing a friend's laptop to complete the assignment, thus the delay in getting it posted on time.

In analyzing the data for 4th Grade Reading Scores for 2011, Virginia ranked 41 in the mean scores with 220. 4077.  There are eight states ahead of Virginia; Massachusetts being ranked first.  Washington, DC is the lowest ranked, with 200. 62.

Virginia is above the average with 226.37.

Being able to analyze data is critical as the educational pendulum moves toward Formative and Summative assessments on a regular basis through the school year.  We need to be able to look at our students' performance to determine the how well the students are absorbing what is being taught and in which direction we need to take our teaching.

This assignment corresponds to ISTE #3 because, in completing it, we had to locate, analyze, and evaluate data and use digital tools to make it happen.

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