Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rubric-Harry Potter Final Assignment

Rubistar is a wonderful tool for busy teachers!  I cannot wait to share this with my colleagues.  This tool effectively demonstrates ISTE #3--this clearly helps students, parents and teachers collaborate in the use of digital tools and is a resource to help student success.

In my 8th block 21st Century Literacy Strategies class, we are reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.  These reluctant readers are loving the story line.

While introducing this intriguing story, I used my Google map of England, taking the students on Harry's journey from Little Whinging, while living with the Dursleys, to Hogwart's itself.

I needed a final project for my class and had been contemplating an all-encompassing one so that the students could demonstrate their knowledge of the story line and facts about England in addition to using their own imagination and creativity to conjure up a school of their own.

The rubric asks the students to create brochure detailing a school where teen-age students come to learn.  It's up to the student create the class names, what is covered, which teachers teach the classes, and the names of the textbooks to accompany the course.

I think my students will enjoy this assignment.  I plan on announcing the it this week and giving them some class time to complete it.

It would be great to have them actually complete it before this class is over so I could post them to my blog for you to see.  (If we don't get done in time, I'll still share them when we do get done.)

I think this Rubistar site is an amazing time saver.  I can link this to our online grades website for parents to see.

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