Sunday, October 14, 2012

Google Forms

Happy Sunday everyone!

This is a survey I created that I would use at the beginning of the year to see exactly what my students' reading preferences are in addition to assessing their skills in reading from a textbook.

I usually do a number of informal surveys and interest inventories before we get into gear for the year.

This availability is the answer to my prayers!  We have been looking for an informal reading assessment that I can make accessible to all English teachers to get a basic before/after grade level.  I can create an assessment using this feature for each grade level (9-12) and will begin working on this asap!

This has been important because we are in the day and age of assessment in order to show the progress of our students from the beginning of the year to the end.

I am so glad to know how to do this.

Below are the links to my spreadsheet and my form.  I'm going to have my students take this tomorrow and Tuesday.  I think this is awesome!!!!

Spreadsheet link:

Survey Form link:

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